Using the Windows Command Line Like a Pro

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In this post I will be answering such question as: What is the ‘cat’ equivalent in Windows? What is the ‘grep’ equivalent in Windows? Yes that’s right, we are visiting the Windows CLI today. The old DOS shell.

These commands all work in Windows 7 and Server 2008; most of them also work in Windows XP.

Using the Type+Find+Sort combo

The windows command type is similar to the cat command in linux. Then you can pipe it to find which is like grep. Then you can sort it to your liking. This command combination can be a very powerful tool for productivity.

To display all of the lines in hosts.txt file that contain the text “dmz” in any combination of upper or lower case (/i is to “ignore case”):

S:\network> type hosts.txt | find /i "dmz"

Look at all of the lines in hosts.txt file that have “mex” in them, sorted on the 20th character

S:\network> type hosts.txt | find /i "mex" | sort /+20

Get all of the lines that have the term “mex” in it and ignore the case.

S:\network> type hosts.txt | find /i "mex" MEXSR01 # Exchange server MEXPS01 # Power Supply MEXSW02 # Network Switch MEXRT02 # Router on second floor

Gets all of the lines with “mex” in it, but eliminate the lines mentioning “PS”:

S:\network> type hosts.txt | find /i "mex" | find /i /v "ps" MEXSR01 # Exchange server MEXSW02 # Network Switch MEXRT02 # Router on second floor

Gets all lines with “192.168” and “mex”.

S:\network> type hosts.txt | find /i "192.168" | find /i "mex" MEXPS01 # Power Supply MEXSW02 # Network Switch

Run through all of the text files in the current directory, and gets lines containing “notconnect”.

T:\configs> type *.txt | find /i "notconnect"
Gi1/9 unused-july18 notconnect 1 auto auto 10/100/1000BaseT

Gi1/9 unused-july18 notconnect 1 auto auto 10/100/1000BaseT

Starting Programs

Using the start command

Open Windows Explorer in the current directory

T:\configs> start .

Open Firefox to Google search page with Google Instant disabled:

d:\> start firefox

To open a specific .doc file, you can just use “start” this way, from a command line (Window will use the default program associated with .doc files):

C:\> start t:\configs\daily-update.doc

Useful shortcuts for frequently used programs

Open the Remote Desktop console connection to server

d:\> mstsc /console /v:

Create a Windows Firewall rule that allows a server to reply to ping requests

D:\> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow-ping-replies" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow Ok.

Open directly to Device Manager

d:\> devmgmt.msc

Open directly to the “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” console

d:\> wf.msc

Open directly to Disk Management

d:\> diskmgmt.msc

Open directly to the “System Properties” applet

d:\> sysdm.cpl

Open the services

c:\> services.msc

Open the boot and system config

c:\> msconfig

Networking commands

Display the IP addresses of each NIC

d:\> ipconfig

Show the MAC addresses of each NIC

d:\> getmac

Show the routing table

d:\> route print

List TCP/IP stats and information

d:\> netstat

Open the Network Connections configurator (network control panel applet)

d:\> ncpa.cpl

Other useful commands

Initiates an immediate, forced reboot (-r is “restart”, -f is “force”, -t 0 is “in 0 seconds”) with a comment (-c) to be recorded in the Event Viewer

d:\> shutdown -r -f -t 0 –c “Services are hung; rebooting system”

To map the letter T: to a Windows share on a file server:

d:\> net use t: \\\common\is\euc

Run the systeminfo command, and displays only the line referring to system boot time:

d:\> systeminfo | find /i "boot time"
System Boot Time: 6/4/2013, 12:53:27 PM

misc, tips, win7, windows
